via \che te ne frega?

ozenmedim ben zaten biliyordum burayi yillardir.
e h e

  è un silenzio che vuol diventare musica da cantare in coro io con te

Thursday, January 29, 2004

think about all the good in your life
- it's only temporary
think about all the positive sides in life
- they never last forever

so drink to forget
and drown all your sorrow
bury your dreams
choose mind refinery

all the tears and the fears and the lies and the cries and the...
all the tears and the fears and the lies and the cries of the past

when the light of the chosen has died
when the master is slave to his life

all the tears and the fears and the lies and the cries and the...
all the love and the hate and the hate and the hate for you - my love

when the light of chosen has died
it is time to do something right, for once, goddamned!

so drink to forget
and drown all your sorrow
bury your dreams
and choose catharsis!

all the tears and the fears and the lies and the cries and the...
all the hate in the world is the power to bring you down!

when the light of chosen has died
it is time to pay back for their crimes

are you there?
the wonderful to know
all like ghosts
all the ghosts
freak my selfish out
(my) mind is happy
need to learn to let it go
i know you'd do no harm to me
since you've been gone i've been lost inside
tried and failed as we walked by the riverside
oh i wish you could see the love in her eyes
the best friend that eluded you lost in time
burned alive in the heat of a grieving mind
oh what can i say now?
and it couldn't be more wrong cos there's no one there
unmistakebly lost and without a care
oh (did we) lost all the love that we could have shared
and its wearing me down
and its turning me round
and i can't find a way now
to find it out
oh where are you when i need you?
are you there?
are you there?

29ocak. gene. tikandim yazamicam bisi neyse. hmpf. farkindaysan gene tutmadik sozlerimizi belki hayir diince ben herzamanki gibi ayni salakligimla gene hata yaptim ama artik cok gec zaten o zamanda cok gecti, bugun benden bisii bekleme cunku yapicam tek sey bunu yazmak olcak, o kadar.

bilmem kac sene sora gene karsilasiriz merak ettim gibisinden bi seyle belki, ama get the hell out of me, already.

happy birthday my good old sick love.

Monday, January 26, 2004

A 64% year-over-year fourth-quarter surge in the number of online orders, to 180 million from 110 million, drove a 22% increase in Q4 online retail sales to more than $18 billion from $15.04 billion a year ago, online shopping service and research firm reported. It said that Q4 online retail sales, which accounted for a third of all online retail sales for 2003, were helped by post-Christmas purchases of $880 million.
BizRate noted that total consumer spending online for 2003 reached $55.93 billion, an increase of 25% over $44.94 billion in 2002. Shoppers made 493.53 million purchases online last year, up 47% from 335.97 million in 2002.

Sunday, January 25, 2004

herseyim zamana birakilmis ya da zamanda birakilmis

edebi bi gece yasiyorum gene.

az uyku ve 13 saat call of duty oynamanin etkisi olsa gerek

sozluk de hayatin bi parcasi ayrica sozluk disinda net disinda denmesi garip
hayat 1 tane
parcasi bunlar da hayati hayat yapan bu kucuk parcalar birlesip hayat oluo zaten.
sacma bi kategorize etme kaygisi var bu lafda ozellikle
x den baska hayatin yok ya da benim x den baska bi hayatimda var dendiginde sinir oluom sorayim
e bre salak sizofren misin hayat bi tane dangalak.

anlik terich ozurluyum ben ayrica illa her bi siki dusunucem edicem once, bu yuzden kaybedio muyum yoksa tersi mi bilmiorum ama neyse..gelecek projeksiyonuna bakarsak paralel bi evrende yasamadigim surece bilemicem. cok fazla da merak etmiorum aslinda "as is" olarak mutluyum, ama bazen esio iste insana bole.

every action has its own consequences in your future projection..

misal yengec zirvesi kicimi kaldirip usenmeden gitmis olmam gecen 1 senemi degistirdi tamamen.
bu gece uyumadan bunun + ve - lerini dusuneyim.
sizde bunu okuduktan sonra ilk uyku oncenizde gecen 1 yil icinde hayatiniza yon veren en onemli olayi akliniza getirip dusunun bakalim..
ha bi de;

i miss my good old unknown blog..

geride kalanlar 1 yilin kazanci

yeni insanlardi tabi herkes
taninca, tanidikca kalmadi o ilk heycan
heeer guzel sey gibi bu da bitio anlasilan
1 seneymis omru ortalama..
almio aklim olanlari, hic almadi zaten..
bazen complete idiot olabiliyorum

Saturday, January 24, 2004

ya butun fotoalri tekrar koydu myerine ama hellokity yi nerden buldugumu hatirlamiyorum kaldi oyle guzelinide bulamadim hala uhu

Thursday, January 22, 2004

waiting for the sunrise
soul dancing in the dark
summer night city
walking in the moonlight
love-making in a park
summer night city

in the sun i feel like sleeping
i can't take it for too long
my impatience slowly creeping
up my spine and growing strong
i know what's waiting there for me
tonight i'm loose and fancy-free

when the night comes with the action
i just know it's time to go
can't resist the strange attraction
from that giant dynamo
lots to take and lots to give
time to breath and time to live

waiting for the sunrise
soul dancing in the dark
summer night city
walking in the moonlight
love-making in a park
summer night city

it's elusive
call it glitter
somehow something turns me on
some folks only see the litter
we don't miss them when they're gone
i love the feeling in the air
my kind of people everywhere

when the night comes with the action
i just know it's time to go
can't resist the strange attraction
from that giant dynamo
and tomorrow
when it's dawning
and the first birds start to sing
in the pale light of the morning
nothing's worth remembering
it's a dream
it's out of reach
scattered driftwood on the beach

waiting for the sunrise
soul dancing in the dark
summer night city
walking in the moonlight
love-making in a park
summer night city

uhu tatil

Sunday, January 18, 2004

italyancanin pratikde bi ise yaradigini ilk kez gordum vay be

Saturday, January 17, 2004

visions of love and hate
a collage behind my eyes
fila ndinlerken yazaim dedim neyse
sabah 8.5 da ehliet hedesine gittik beni ogleden soraya komus ipneler 3e kadar bekledik saat 4de eve geldik oldum ya

ehe angel mania geri geldi. 5. sezon izliorum 9 bolum 450mb ortalamadan dl ettim ay aman cam gibi goruntu ya super super yasasin

sabah ehliyet sianvi var 11'de uskudara yetisebilrisem ki cok zor paintball zirvesine gitcem neyse aksamda stop in de guncem zirvesi var ona gitcem filan falan pek mesgulum yani son bir haftada gunde 5 saat uyku ile kicimin ustunde non stop oturup kastiktan sora[bakiniz alt post] hakkim tabi biraz daatmak.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

siteleri tek tek yeniden create ederken db tablelar script ve sayfalar vs bi an aklima gun dogusu geldi adim adim aydinlanan karanlik filan garipsedim..[saat 6 ondandir belkide ehe] ya da elektirik kesintisinden sonra elektirik geri geldiginde bolum bolum isiklanmasi sehrin filan..[metaforun ustasi gozlerinin hastasiyam]

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

backup almiyan kafama sokayim. backto stoneage, bayilicam sanirim..

Sunday, January 11, 2004

1/11/2004 9:39 PM ama ben 2. dönem almanyadaki bi kaç yere baþvurup seneye almanyaya gitmeyi koydum kafaya
1/11/2004 9:39 PM pederden de ok aldým
1/11/2004 9:39 PM firuz da bitirio zaten bu sene o da orda master yapar iþte
1/11/2004 9:39 PM haydaa ulan kimi sevsem yurt disina gidio diorum inanmiosunuz :)
1/11/2004 9:40 PM muahauhua
1/11/2004 9:40 PM ehe

Saturday, January 10, 2004

bu arada ispanyolca kursuna giden annemin[ehe evet bayaa kursa gidio] devamli kenan bunun italyancasi nasil bole mi? sunun italyancasi ne? bu italyancada da bole mi? birlesiolarmi su sole mi oluo ondada vs vs diip durmasindan illalah geldi ya. diyorum benziolar iste tamammmm aaaa..ayrica kendide farkinda hayatimda bu kadar kotu telaffuz edilmis ispanyolca duymadim ehe..

Thursday, January 08, 2004

demn dipsi ver di hel ar yu?

can you hear it ring
it makes you wanna sing
it's such a beautiful thing--ka-ching!
lots of diamond rings
the happiness it brings
you'll live like a king
with lots of money and things

dim dim dim dmmm ehehe KA-CINKKKKKKKK!

ehe uyku olarak sabah 6 da yatip oglen 2 3 gibi uyanmak hosuma gitti guzel oldu bole

ha bide 70 alt siniri olan motor sinavindan 73le gecmisim ehueh 1 soru farkla heralde. hic calismadan bu kadar olur lakin bu sinirdan kurtarma isi tam benlik bi is ehehe

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

eheh iki bira bi cin limon ictim geldim kadikoyden kafam donuooooooooooooo neyse..donuste taksi ile karsiya geciolardi bende kaynadim arada valla super oldu ole bole diil tanimliamiorum bu guzellgii ehe simdi kuru ekmek yedi mbi miktar ve kafam hala donmekte bu durumda en iisi bu kafa ile girip uyumak sicacik sanirim =]

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

ya simdi sormak istiyorum bir sac bu kadar bu derece nasil karisabilir. hayatim bu sacmaligi cozmekle gecio ya yetti be...
[kendi fotolarimi bu poz ile cekmemde garip ya neyse ehehe]

Monday, January 05, 2004

warcraft 3 + frozen throne
p[opulous 3
il2 sturmovik + exp pack
cm 2004
fifa 2004
counter strike
neverwinter nights'nin 2 exp pack i
homeworld 2
hearts of iron
call of duty
europa universalis
civilization 3 conquests
worms 3D
need for speed underground
xmen 2
terminator 3
kill bill vol 1
ha bi de paris hilton un video su ehuehue

siki download yapmisim eheh. filmleri izledim de yani bu kadar oyun icin gunde 24 saat yetmez, yetmiyor..

Saturday, January 03, 2004

Colour me your colour, baby
Colour me your car
Colour me your colour, darling
I know who you are
Come up off your colour chart
I know where you're comin' from
Call me (call me) on the line
Call me, call me any, anytime
Call me (call me) my love
You can call me any day or night
Call me
Cover me with kisses, baby
Cover me with love
Roll me in designer sheets
I'll never get enough
Emotions come, I don't know why
Cover up love's alibi
Call me (call me) on the line
Call me, call me any, anytime
Call me (call me) oh my love
When you're ready we can share the wine
Call me
Ooo-oo-oo-oo-oo, he speaks the languages of love
Ooo-oo-oo-oo-oo, `amore`, `chiamami`, `chiamami`
Ooo-oo-oo-oo-oo, appelle-moi mon cherie, appelle-moi
Anytime, anyplace, anywhere, any way
Anytime, anyplace, anywhere, any day-ay
Call me (call me) my love
Call me, call me any, anytime
Call me (call me) for a ride
Call me, call me for some overtime
Call me (call me) my love
Call me, call me in a sweet design
Call me (call me), call me for your lover's lover's alibi
Call me (call me) on the line
Call me, call me any, anytime
Call me (call me)
Oh, call me, oo-hoo-hah
Call me (call me) my love
Call me, call me any, anytime

tek tek ile yarisir heradle bu sarki kelime tekrarinda ehue

Thursday, January 01, 2004

ehe ilginc bi gece ve oglen oldu araligin son gunu. bok gibi basladi ama ii bitti en azindan. bu trigger mi nedir nedendir bilmiom ama birine sarilinca[preferably female eheh] sirt donmek vs filmlerden kapilmis ogrenilmis bisii heralde bkz'ini veresim var, bulamadim ama sinir. yazabilcek seyler var ama nedense yazasim yok dursun bole, hala yorgunum belki ondandir dikkat topliamadik sabahda 7-8 gibi uyancam direksiyon icin zaten off neyseki yarin son..