via \che te ne frega?

ozenmedim ben zaten biliyordum burayi yillardir.
e h e

  è un silenzio che vuol diventare musica da cantare in coro io con te

Friday, May 31, 2002

bitsin finaller yeter off..dante'de amma kazikmis italyanca okuyinca sokiyim yaa ne bok yicez baklai msianvda but'e kalirsa sictim valla ehehe caliscam goya ama dolaniom ole ortalikta salak salak, yarin calisiim dicem ama gudne 3 tane mac var en az hergun cok zor olcak bu is bole ehe timing berbaaaaattt.

su soktugumun ceklerinin geri kalanlarida gelsin artik yoksa italyaya yetismicek ceklerin bozulmasi evde kalcam salak gibi pef...

Thursday, May 30, 2002


Wednesday, May 29, 2002

la nostalgia;

Come down, slowly
I'm waiting by your side
Come down, carefully
I'm waiting by your side

I'll grab you when you fall
Down to the waking hours
Silents sweeps as golden corn
Down to the waking hours

How I wish that I could
Break into your dreams
Do I have the force I need
To break into your dreams

I hold you in my arms
Dimmed by scarlet morning red
I whisper in your ear
Do you dream of me ?

Saturday, May 25, 2002

of niye habersiz hadi gel suraya vs derler insanlar ya sevmiom ben yapamiom ole diince hemen cikiim evden zaten banyo yapmadan cikamian takintili bi hastayim bu kafaylada cok zaman aliyo nasi hemen cikiyim ki? sorada uzuluorum hayir dedim diye icim icimi yiyo..zaten yeni uyumusum nasi kalkiim bak uyku kalmadi sersem gibiyim simdi aksam 6da uyu 9da uyan..pzt de finaller var sokiim yaa..

Tuesday, May 21, 2002

partial thoughts;

morrowind. addicted now.
skuul, finaller, ay sonu.
dudette where the hell are you f*cking dsl..dsl ma'ess 1.5mbit bla bla lol
strange deja-vu; gardin in hevIn, drift in and out..gene blahs..*bonk*
damnit usa, u asshole.. sucker blackhole. virlpuul.
salak cekler.. fukin turk posta sistemi. fakin rich. coming soon ehe..
ps. britanyal kopek.

the end

Thursday, May 16, 2002

beyinden vurulmak, kalakalmak, bos bos bakmak, kafaya beyne reset yemek, napcani sasirmak vs

hah gormedikleriniz duymadiklariniz basladi ii ordaki kavgalari izliim kendime geliyim ben ehe

Do you remember
How we used to play like kids in the sun
Nowadays, there's no light to see
And we're feeling cold
So the time has come
To say farewell my friends
My fate is calling loud
Now I know - it can get tough
And I don't you know where I'll be tomorrow
Do you - do you wanna know it
I don't care about it
Somebody said that we could never ever die
Oh what a lie

You will see the light again
We'll all be free someday:
I know - 'cause united we stand

Goodbye my friends, I'm leaving you today
My quest is hard, but I must be on my way
Now, don't ask why
Goodbye dear friends

Don't you try and stop me
All I know is: I have to go!
There'll be no sense in my life at all
If I stay
You will never see it - you will never find it
Oh yes I will!
Someone will take my place if I DIE!

An old man said:
Some years ago; they've tried it all before
Some men of honour left
And searched for that land
They did not return. Now it's up to you
To play a better game - remember
When you're out there
Don't look back at all

Goodbye my firends, I'm leaving you today
The quest is hard,
I hope I'll find a way home one day

Good my friends, I'm leaving you today
The quest is hard
I know I find a way home one day
You will see the light of day
We'll all be free again
All that's left to say is FAREWELL

Wednesday, May 15, 2002





"Money Money Money"

I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay
Ain't it sad
And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me
That's too bad
In my dreams I have a plan
If I got me a wealthy man
I wouldn't have to work at all, I'd fool around and have a ball...

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It's a rich man's world

A man like that is hard to find but I can't get him off my mind
Ain't it sad
And if he happens to be free I bet he wouldn't fancy me
That's too bad
So I must leave, I'll have to go
To Las Vegas or Monaco
And win a fortune in a game, my life will never be the same...

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It's a rich man's world

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It's a rich man's world

It's a rich man's world

eheh ;)

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

The higher the monkey climbs, the more he shows his ass.

ne mana dolu bir laf, cok komigime gidio bole ing laflar ya hele msg boardlarda filan gorunce aayh ehe

hmm limon yemek guzel ama kabugunu kemirmek zorunda kaldim icini yemek icin cepherini yani bu esnadan 4 dk sonra dudaklarim kasinmaya basladi allerjimmi var acaba limon kabuuna benim?

Saturday, May 11, 2002

emauhaemeauhueaihu kimse bu adam kutlicam ya
8 adet x alinip nasi $30 odenir bir computer store'a meauhae

"hayatim, sana bunlari aldim comp. store dan :)"
"aaa, ne $irin 8 adet kalem !"


Friday, May 10, 2002

i'm fucking rich
che bella bir ay bu allam gokten dolar yagiyo ehueuhz
ee o kadar kasiom geceler boyu ve hatta gunduz
yoruldum laðn
eet cmrt gidip bi yerde [hint. katarsis ehe] iceyim rahatliyayim cok yorucu gecio gunner boole ']

Friday, May 03, 2002

Ulan okula gittim bayaa gene, gidiom valla bende dahil herkes dumur etrafimda. Carmina Burana gazi hala devam edio zaten bende good karma olayi ehe.
neyse okul da gene 10-13 kisi vardi ehe komedi ya neyse odevlerimi yapiom ders calisiom bi haller oldu bana ehe. neyse bugun hava guzeldi ciktik 4 kiz[nora, liana, noranin arkadasi, gokce] ve ben [ehururu] gitti ksultanamet koftecisine yedik ictik sictik sonra gokce ise gidicek die ayrildi thy'de calisio biz kalanlarla sultanahmet'de 3 kere git gel yaptik neymis noralarin bildii bi yer varmis orayi bulcaz die neyse sonunda bulamadik tabi neyse sora assada yokusun bi stadyum gibi bisiin altinda cay bahcesine gittik 4 kisi 12 gibiydi 1 30a kadar kaldik sora nora ve arkadasi ders'e gittiler bizde liana ile eminonune yuruduk ebesi kadar yarim saat taksim dolmus bekledik sonunda anne kiz ile beraber taksi tuttuk gittik italyan kulture. italyad yaz okulu icin arastirma yapalim dedik ama ehue italyan kulturde ki Tanju "bey" ehe [gay sanirim] sole bi fiyatlar verdi dedi 1000a nazi kampi gibi yasarsiniz ve aynen dediki o okullar filan "SKIMSALAK". yani nasi puuuaaaa die baarip adama gulmedim bilmiyorum neyse ordan cikinca yeterince gulduk zaten hiue. neyse sora akm'nin oraya yurudukbi ishani armak icin bulamadik tabi yolda SETi gordum ehe sora eve dagildik pzt gorusmek uzreee. eve geldim icq'ya ekledim yeni arkadaslarimi ehuhe [3 sene sora muhe] sora yemek bile isitim yani yuh annem duysa inanmaz bi acaip oldum ben ya cay bile yapicam simdi . neyse su anda bi kac gun sonra babet geldi sonunda "where the hell are you" konusuoz oole son dedikodular vs ehe