via \che te ne frega?

ozenmedim ben zaten biliyordum burayi yillardir.
e h e

  è un silenzio che vuol diventare musica da cantare in coro io con te

Friday, October 31, 2003

cok ayip kufrettim yahu basbayaaa...


e h e

e eben be 8MB yaptik hala packet too large diosun..ehehe manualde 16M yapion diodu ben de
=32M yaptim sole cok icten diyerek o esnada "al mina koim yaa.." simdide calismassan eben yani

sesimde hala boru gibi cikio hastaliktan baska birisiymisim gibi bole ehe

hm belki blog'u da blogspot'dan alirim ama nit ismini seviom simdi bok gibi olucak ismi kalsin boyle ya da neyse aman

cok sevincliyim oley ded serveri aldim cok guzel ya 60GB space 100gb bandwidth eheh laylaylom su transfer iside bitince birazdan[diorum ama saat olmush 2.5 kac saattir kasiorum allahim] kutlama yapabilirim ehe. salak mysql sorun cikarmasaydi aslinda neyse..ozlemisim root olayini ehe hemen igele soylemeliyim bunu@!

isminide sunburn koydum hem ehe

Saturday, October 25, 2003

how do you do? have yourself a pleasant afternoon!"
well, fuck you, too!
"good night" is the one i choose for you!

- i'll kill myself:
i'll blow my brains onto the wall
- c u in hell,
i will not take this anymore!
now, this is where it ends, this is where i will draw the line
so, 'scuse me while i end my life

i will pull this through
not having a reason is no excuse
what the hell do you suppose i have left to lose?

- i'll kill myself:
i'll blow my brains onto the wall
- c u in hell,
i will not take this anymore!
this is where it ends, i'll put a bullet in my head
and yes, drop dead [ha-ha-ha]!
this is where it ends, this is where i will draw the line:
- excuse me while i kill myself

Friday, October 24, 2003

of alla mgebericem hastaliktan sesim cikmio lan. ehe dun sabah 8den bugun sabah 11e kadar uyudum nerdeyse kisisel bi rekor kirdim heralde heryerim agrio

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

post etitkten sonra ekranimin solunda ki linkler gozume takildi epeydir kontrol etmiodum..baktim hepsine bi tur. ama demeden edemicem KudRa... [ehe] nin kiler guzel, iyi basarili yazilar yazio. merak ediom kac saat suruo bunnari yazmak yoksa bi anda mi cikio hi? ben misal aklima geldigi sira ile edit yapmadan tum hatalariyla yaziom blog'u vs..yillarin verdigi bi huy sanirim ozellikle nette yazdigi mseylerde..[sozlukte de cogu zaman editlemek istemesemde editliorum ni bilmem tabi farkina varirsam]

neyse sen gor bana sole ya da ben seni gorunce sorarim.

neyse arkadas geldi, salona gidiim cin limon hazirmis icelim guzelleselim 4 kisi.

ne diim abi sen bilirsin tabi ama bukadar ince elersen elek sen olursun...delik deþik her biri bi delik daha deler sen üzülürsü hep 5 sn sürmez bi gün gelir daha uzun sürer o zaman kafaný daha çok vurursun duvarlara

lan ipne kafak..ehehe durdun durdun ii laf ettin bak blog'da feature yaptim seni. neyse kasip dusunucek bisiiim oldu bi sure icin sims yerine. ruyamda wash hands, use, watch tv demekten iyi olucak sanirim..hos bildigim bisii bu ama baskasi da soleince sana disaridan bakan bi cift goz olarak daha etkili oluo..

Sunday, October 19, 2003

haydaaa nerden aldim sims'i hayatim kaydi resmen bi anda. hos oyun fazla monoton yani bot gibi ye sic ic ise git gel aynisi tekrar yap 2 3 gunde bir hergun biriken artik zamanlarda ekstra bisii yap..arkadas edin kasip hehe garip oyun..dekorasyon olayi guzel lakin..onun disinda monoton bi oyun, o yuzden zibille add on ve exp. pack cikardilar buyuk ihtimalle..ozellikle garderner ve maid tuttuktan sonra eve iice baydi oyun. hos salak gibi ise gec kalip kovuldum level 4 den ama neyse para birikti simdilik idare eder ehe..yani oyunda gunler gecio zirt die ama saate bi bkatim burda da 6 olmussabah yani..

ayrica evde network u kurdum dial up i iki bilgisayar share edebilio obur comp nete baglanmak isteyince benimmki otomatik ario baglanio vs ama folder'lari share etme olayi olmadi bi turlu sinir ettii...yatiyim artik.

Thursday, October 09, 2003

2 gunnuk kayit maeceram bitti sonunda oh. ama uyku duzenim bozuldu aksam 10-11de uykum gelio bi sekilde duzeltmeliyim bunu neyse bayilcak gibiyim butu ngece ayni his cay ictim olmadi bi de ustune 2 el scrabble. allahtan hala kazaniorum eheh

ayrica loser dovme yaptircakmis 2 adet, ayrica kisin gelicekmis buyuk ihtimal ehe yihu. hedielerini gecikmeli de olsa vericem bolece. nasi unuttuk o gun hala sasiom ehe neyse sans iste.

ayrica kupeyi yeniden taktim 2 3 hafta sonra kulagi macio az biraz..

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

i feel the wind in my hair,
and it's whispering, telling me things,
of the storm that is gathering near
full of power i'm spreading my wings
now i'm leaving my worries behind
feel the freedom of body and mind
i have started my journey,
i'm drifting away with the wind
i go

i am hunting high and low
diving from the sky above looking for, more and more, once again
i´m hunting high and low
sometimes i may win sometimes i´ll lose
it´s just a game that i play

after the storm there´s a calm
through the clouds shines a ray of the sun
i am carried from all of my harm
there is no-one that i can't outrun
now i´m leaving my worries behind
feel the freedom of body and mind
i have started my journey,
i'm drifting away with the wind
i fly

i am hunting high and low
diving from the sky above looking for, more and more, once again
i´m hunting high and low
sometimes i may win sometimes i´ll lose
it´s just a game that i play

Sunday, October 05, 2003

would you come into my room I wanna show you ZEYTIN:
(yataamda yatio sevindirik oldumda ehe, bilet mi alsam gidip?
heybetine kurban olduum ehehe minik! panter.
[kalorifer petee kadar allan ayisi ehe]

we'd gather around all in a room fasten our belts engage in dialogue
we'd all slow down rest without guilt not lie without fear disagree sans judgement

we would stay and respond and expand and include and allow and forgive and
enjoy and evolve and discern and inquire and accept and admit and divulge and
open and reach out and speak up

this is utopia this is my utopia
this is my ideal my end in sight
utopia this is my utopia
this is my nirvana
my ultimate

we'd open our arms we'd all jump in we'd all coast down into safety nets

we would share and listen and support and welcome be propelled by passion not
invest in outcomes we would breathe and be charmed and amused by difference
be gentle and make room for every emotion

we'd provide forums we'd all speak out we'd all be heard we'd all feel seen

we'd rise post-obstacle more defined more grateful we would heal be humbled
and be unstoppable we'd hold close and let go and know when to do which we'd
release and disarm and stand up and feel safe

this is utopia this is my utopia
this is my ideal my end in sight
utopia this is my utopia
this is my nirvana
my ultimate

Saturday, October 04, 2003

eheh eksperimantal takilip bingo yapcam die 75 puan geride kalip oyunu 9 puan onde galibiyetle bitirebilmis bir scrabble oyuncusuyum, buyuk adamim valla. all salute ehe di mi dipsi ehe.

neyse ya yarin yenersin artik[isalla ehe]

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

occult ehe

of tamamen uretkenliimi kaybettim ya salak gibi bos bos duruom monitore bakarak saat kac oldu..
ehe yapacak bisii bulsam yapicam bulamiom nefret ediom bu histen..nerde benim ilham perilerim?